Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Previous EDM310 Podcast review

The first Podcast I reviewed was titled "Can You Tube be used for Educational purposes"?
Adrienne Lynch, Joylyn Reese and Brian Stevens were the casting students.

These student’s podcast had some information and they took turns giving it. They described You Tube as a Google product, said it gave “how too’s” for teachers, news, videos, music, and movies. The students said that You Tube had a lot of examples and that it showed ways to use it but I didn’t really hear much support on that. They mentioned valuable things and not so valuable things in the site such as: Class projects, presentations, post videos for class, workshops for teachers and documentaries. They also mentioned it was a “good cheat tool.” One student said that most schools restricted access to it but there were ways around it and that personally he would use sparingly. There were lots of examples given by way of other teachers, instead of themselves. They babbled on, but didn’t give concrete reasons to the list of purposes to support the ideas mentioned. The Podcast was long but not with core experiences.

My second Podcast viewed was: "Useful Websites for Teachers" by Shyane Fant, Erica Sledge, and Ashley Cleveland.

These students listed sources from HDTV://its.lee summit.k12.mo.us and said it was an interactive site on how to get tech in class. They gave other examples of links to be used such as: SmartBoard tutorial, word, and excel. They explained that students can look at it, do PowerPoint, pick grade subject areas to be used in your own classroom. They mentioned the use of games, lesson plans, resources, web design and media graphics.

They also sited: Teachers.net can be used for any type teacher, adult and Professors. They explained the use of possible 4000 lesson ideas, project sections, grants to be searched and field trips. They also mentioned publications were made by teachers, articles for different things and chat board usage. I got a lot of listening to them speak and plan on using the websites. I think it would be helpful to any teacher.

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